Creating a Light Wrap Effect in Motion 5

In this episode, Mark Spencer teaches you how to create a light wrap effect using Motions keyer, to help blend the lighting of your 3D Text.

In this episode, I’ll show you how to achieve this cool light wrap effect on 3D Text. I’m Mark Spencer from RippleTraining welcome to motion magic where you’ll learn visual effects and motion graphic in under 5 minutes. So here we are in motion where i have a background which consists of a gradient generator, a particle emitter preset that I have adjusted and some 3D text. The text has been animated with a couple of keyframes. Notice when the background gets very bright it doesn’t interact with the text at all. I have a little bit of control over that. I’ve selected the text and in the text inspector in the appearance tab. I’ve adjusted the environmental rotation to create some light along the side of the text. Here, I’ll change it a little bit. We can see I have control over the lighting across the text from the environment. However, that lighting while it looks good on a single frame. It doesn’t really react to changes in the light in the background. So here’s on way that we can have the background better interact with the foreground.With the text selected I’ll go to the shortcut for the filters menu and choose keying> Keyer. Now, I don’t really want the keyer to actually key the text. So in the filters inspector I’ll set the strength slider to zero. Instead, I’m interested in the light wrap down here at the bottom. So, I’ll open that up and I’ll increase the amount. Notice as I do so that areas that are close to bright areas of the background start to get affected by the background with a light wrapping around the text. I can even go higher than the default amount of 50 by dragging directly on the value field to a maximum of 200. I can also increase the intensity above the maximum slider amount of 100% by dragging o the value field. Now if I toggle that off and on, we can see the difference it makes in helping integrate the background and foreground elements together. To make them look like they belong together. I’ll render that, and play it back. click the subscribe button below. If you have an idea comment or suggestion leave those below as well. Go to Ripple for fast professional training on Final Cut Pro, Motion and DaVinci Resolve from industry professionals.